Yoga Voice

Guiding children to connect with their “yoga voice” helps them build confidence in their practice, encouraging them to approach yoga with a sense of ease, curiosity, and self-awareness. This begins with creating a welcoming space where each child can tune into their own physical sensations—how their body feels in a pose, the movement of their breath, and the natural rhythm and balance that yoga offers.

While I gently guide children towards accurate and safe alignment, I don’t initially make that the main focus, especially for younger children. I encourage children to explore what feels right and meaningful for them in each moment. This “listening” skill—tuning into the body’s cues—allows them to practice yoga in a way that respects their individual needs and preferences. In doing so, they begin to see yoga not only as a series of poses but as a language through which they can express themselves, adapt to their inner state, and find comfort and resilience in movement.

Offering a variety of options in each class supports this process. For example, I might suggest trying different poses with variations in breath rhythm, exploring how gentle or strong movements feel, or holding a posture with curiosity rather than strict focus. These experiences guide children to develop a relationship with yoga that feels both empowering and personal.

Facilitating this awareness in a yoga class requires thoughtful guidance, allowing creativity within a structured process. This approach is the essence of the curriculum I have practised for many years, and I am honoured to be teaching and mentoring in my seventh decade.

If you’d like to explore these ideas further or experience this approach firsthand, I’d be delighted to welcome you into my programs.



